Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Volume 57 #1

We love to start this promise from God to you as a prayer.

It is found  in Jeremiah 29:11 (KJV)
"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the
Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."

We also like the way that the NIV version puts it for us
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."



The cost to help finish up for the roof was $2300 US dollars. Also, ending the year with the purchase of 50,000 more Bibles for  India. (five truck loads} We will be able to report more in next month’s report.

The four photos on this page show the building without the roof, with the roof and then two photos from the outside. The  people in Siberia have a very difficult life.

We are asking God for a great year of winning the lost to Christ. That the workers and outreaches of our ministry will have a great harvest in this NEW YEAR of 2020. 

It is hard to believe we are now into the New Year of 2020 and the year 2019 is now in the past. 

We do believe we are living in the last days and I believe time seems to be flying is that the Word tells us in Matt. 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

For so many this is disheartening news and for others they are rejoicing. There are also those that are living in the moment full of joy with what ever God has for them. 

Jesus tells us in Matt 6 not to worry and be anxious about our life.

Isaiah 43:18 “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past."  is all we have promised on earth.

Let us look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. God wants to bless, move and use us to bring blessings to others.

God want us to live in the present and the present is all we have promised on earth.

We should live doing the Will of God for our lives. The place we can find the perfect will of God for our lives is the Word of God.

Our prayer for you this year that you will feel God’s love in a powerful way.

This year of 2020 know this, that ”God is in you”. 

This is the year to see Jesus as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. That He sits on the throne of your heart and in your mind.

This is the year of remembering that the HOLY SPIRIT lives in you and you submit to His perfect guidance and wisdom in your life.

We close this report on what is write up by Missionary Evangelist Hardly Fiddler of International Focus ministry about our ministry and us. It touched my heart from this Man of God. He appeared printed in his international monthly magazine.

We have known him and his dear wife Donna for many years. He has many outreaches of his ministry reaching into many parts of the world. We do help support his Three year Bible Colleges in South India.

Also we have worked together in crusades and seminars.

To World Evangelists Tony & Marge Abram (from Missionary Evangelist Hardly Fiddler)

Congratulations! 2019 marked a special year for our beloved co-workers and friends Tony and Marge Abram.


Tony celebrated his 80th birthday May 27th. May 15th marked 60 years since his divine call to the ministry and most important of all, he celebrated his 62nd spiritual birthday on February 17th.

They celebrated Marge’s 80th birthday on September 6th and then on November 20th they celebrated their 57th year of marriage and 57th year of marriage and 57th year of missionary evangelism to the nations.

If there would be a World Book of Giants in the Ministry, Tony and Marge with their glorious track-record of faithful, fruitful and miracle ministry in over 100 countries of the world would be high on the list.

We first met 40 plus years ago and over the past several decades we have ministered together many times in numerous countries and it is not possible in this brief newsletter to fully convey all that could be said for this remarkable couple.

Congratulations Tony and Marge, we love you dearly.

Harley & Donna Fiddler

Tony and Marge are still active in traveling, preaching, teaching and ministering in the US, Canada, Japan and various countries.

Please put them on your prayer list and pray daily for them - their strength, protection, health, finances and glorious anointing of the Holy Spirit that they will continue to see a harvest of souls come to Christ.

If you like to send a card and/ or gift please send it to Tony and Marge Abram.

God bless you and yours is our daily prayer.

Your missionary Evangelists Tony and Marge Abram

Tony & Marge Abram

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