Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Missionary Evangelists Tony and Marge Abram
Volume 56 #5

Moses was 80 years old when God called him. This month I will be 80, so can I expect a fresh anointing?

In this month’s report, we are asking you to pray for this ministry God has given us. It is with great expectancy, we are believing God for a fresh new anointed ministry to reach more people with the mighty Gospel of the Kingdom of God.

With my Dad and Mom, taken 3 months before the Lord called me to this ministry. I answered Him
April 19th 1959

This month, on the 27th of May, Memorial Day in the USA, I will be reaching that 80th year. We know Moses was 80 years old when God called him to the ministry from the burning bush. I am not saying I am Moses.

However, in the vision I had, when God put a Divine Call on my life, I was serving in the US Army on April 19th 1959, when God called me to the ministry that we have today. I had dealt with a young Catholic soldier most of that day about receiving and committing his life to Christ as his Personal Saviour.

It was later that day, after dealing with him, I was laying on my bunk bed praying for him when I had a vision of Moses leading the children of Israel out of Egypt.

Evangelist Tony Abram

Then the vision changed and I saw a multitude of different races of people, of every color and size  but with no one to lead them out of darkness into the Kingdom of God.

That is when God called me three times.

Finally the third time, I surrendered and said I would go where He wanted me to go, say what He wanted me to say and do what He wanted me to do.

Then by the following year I was in the ministry winning souls. However, even with the harvest of souls increasing each year, it was not until Nov. 30, 1976, that I truly saw the vision fulfilled in it’s fullness.

It had been sixteen years since God called me with that vision.  We were in a stadium preaching in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil. In that service, after preaching and giving the invitation to come the Jesus, we saw about 6,000 people come forward to receive Christ in that great stadium.

I was rejoicing as this was, up to then, the largest altar call we ever had in one meeting.

Tony and Frank when they started preaching crusades in churches and tents.

It was then the Lord spoke to my heart and said, “Do you remember?” I asked the Lord “Remember what, Lord?” He said, “Look and remember.” Then, as I looked, I remembered.

What I saw before me was what I had seen 16 years before in the vision when He called me to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to the nations. For no country has more diversified races of people than Brazil.

I said, “Thank you Lord, I am on the right track in the calling you gave me.” So, my dear friends, there is nothing I have enjoyed more these past 60 years of ministry, than winning souls. I am asked how do we keep going?

The answer is Nehemiah 8:10 (KJV) ...neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength.

Winning souls is the joy that gives us strength. God took me from a young evangelist to preaching revival crusades in churches.

My 15 year old brother Frank would start his ministry, being my soloist until God called him to preach. It was then I became an Associate Evangelist with T. L Osborn. He was one of my three main mentors.

On Nov. 30, 1976, we were in Porto Alegre, Brazil. In this service, we saw about 6,000 people come forward to receive Christ in that great stadium.
It was there that God spoke to my heart if I remembered what He showed me in April 19th 1959.

Tony and Marge Abram at their 50th wedding anniversary.

It was then, a great blessing was given to me, while preceding his crusade in Vancouver, British Colombia, I met Marge who had just graduated from Bible College.

We were married Nov. 20, 1962 and since that time God has taken us to over 125 nations with the Gospel.

I could not have asked for a more dedicated, spiritual partner who has been my soloist ever since.

Nov. 20, 1962 Marge and I were married in Williams Lake, British Columbia, Canada and have been in Evangelism to the Nations ever since.

Leading souls to the Living Saviour night after night is the second greatest joy one can have.

I have received many prophecies over the years but there have been three special ones that we will share sometime in the future.

Two have been fulfilled and we and our ministry is in the third prophecy. If we are going to complete the race that God has before us, we must have a new fresh anointing.

School of Ministry teaching in former USSR, training over 5,000 workers in Evangelism.

Tony and Marge with TV Team in Paraguay, being the first time for the Gospel to be preached on TV in the country. (con't)

That is why, at my 80th birthday, we ask you to pray and stand in faith with us that God will do it for His own glory.

Oral Roberts once told us, “Be big in God and small in our own eyes.” I have learned one thing for sure and that is what John the Baptist said of himself in John 3:30 (KJV) He must increase, but I must decrease.

If it is possible, perhaps some of you, our prayer partners, can fast a meal or more on behalf of the ministry, that God will do greater things and that many more lives will be changed.

It was the same in the country of Taiwan, first to ever preach the Gospel on TV. God used it to give a great harvest.

Camp Meeting in Ukraine when out of the 5,000 in attendance, the night I gave my testimony, 1700 came to Christ.
The next morning service I continued how God baptized me in the Holy Spirit and over 1500 were filled.

Half of the city of 50,000 attended this crusade in South America. You can see the Ferris Wheel in the distance. The circus closed down each night during the crusade as almost everyone was coming to the miracle crusade, even their workers.

We trust in our future ‘Good News Reports’, we will be able to report great blessings from the Lord of the Harvest.

Thank you in advance for your prayers and faith in standing with us.

We are aware that the reason we have been able to continue in the Calling of God in our ministry is because of God’s people like you.

Many know much of my testimony and many more details can be found on our website www.tonyabram.com.

I surrendered my life to Christ as a senior in high school in a Kathryn Kuhlman meeting in Youngstown, Ohio on February 17th, 1957.

My last crusade with my brother Frank in Congo, Africa where the Soccer field could not hold the people. Perhaps over 100,000 attended.

It was there, as I was kneeling, repenting, along with many others, that she pulled me up to the platform. She prayed for me and prophesied over me, that if I would be true to follow the Lord, He would take me to the nations to be a blessing to multitudes.

On May 27th, 1939, 80 years ago, my mother who was told from an earlier car accident that she could never have children, gave birth to my natural life but more importantly is that this past 17th of February, 62 years ago, I was born again of the Spirit of God. Praise God!

Please note some photos we are sharing from the past years of our ministry.

You are the supply lines that put us on and have kept us on the Frontlines of Evangelism. Continue to pray for us as we pray for you daily.

God bless you.

Tony & Marge Abram

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