Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Volume 56 #8

The number one outreach of this ministry has been the winning of precious souls to Christ for 60 years.

Claiming the promise of God in Psalms 2:8 (KJV) Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.

I like this translation: Psalms 2:8 CEV Ask me for the nations, and every nation on earth will belong to you

Although, we plant churches, help with buildings for churches, feed orphans and lepers, support native workers, train workers, supply Bibles, support foreign Bible schools, other projects and outreaches. 

Yet the main reason this ministry exists is to bring the lost into the saving knowledge of Jesus our Lord and Saviour.

However, we are sharing from start to finish, one of the simple buildings we have helped build in the State of Punjab, India, near the city of Amritsar.

It was in Amritsar that we held a crusade some years ago with crowds of over 10,000 with many souls coming to Christ, God confirming His Word with signs following. The miracles brought the people and the Holy Spirit drew them to receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour.

Further down (GN paper version page 2), we are sharing some photos from a crusade some years ago in the Punjab of Pakistan. This is just across the border from Amritsar where this church building was built in India.

Marge could not find the photos from the Amritsar Crusades. You can imagine how many photos we have from almost 60 years of world evangelism. They are not on computer.

Photos: Starting top left with purchasing the land, with a sign for their church called ‘New Creation Church,’ then the dedication of the land, and to people looking at what is happening.

Below ledft people praying and finally below, windows and roof being added.

Now services are being held inside. This is one building of many we have helped. Thank you for praying for us.


Brother Tony teaches in afternoon Lahore Convention Crusade

Up to 20,000 attended under the colorful tent for the evening miracle services.

Hundreds saved nightly and many, many healed by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ. Upper left photo afternoon service I am teaching up to 5,000 or more the Word of God. Among the people hundreds of Christian workers and ministers.

The below the people sit for hours on rugs or grass:


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In the eight photos (left and right) are testimonies of miracles of healing.

1. A man is set free,

2. A man’s ears are opened,

3. A tumor or growth is gone,

4. A woman’s arm is healed and can raise it now,

5. A man not able to bend over, back is healed,

6. A boy is healed from polio,

7 - A man’s crippled hand is healed,

8. An old man is completely healed and wants the whole world to know that Jesus, not Muhammad did it for him.

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I remembered the first night of the Punjab crusade when I stood to preach, I was attacked by gnats. As I preached it seemed like someone was throwing handfuls of sand at me, hitting me in the face.

I struggled through preaching and hundreds of people were saved and healed.

The next night, as I got up to preach, hundreds of grasshoppers seem to land all over me. They started to crawl up upper my Punjab shirt and grabbed my bare skin under the shirt. Some pastors on the platform jumped up and began to crush them.

My shirt started to then turn brown from the juice. I know as a kid, fishing with my dad. He told be that it was tobacco juice the grasshoppers had in their mouths and made it brown.

However, I continued preaching and again God gave us hundreds of souls and miracles.

Then, on the third night, as I got up swarms of mosquitoes surrounded the platform.

Marge rose up and said, “This is enough.” We took hands and bound the devil.

These attacks were not natural. This was the enemy. The mosquitoes disappeared and for the rest of the 10 day crusade, we had no more problems, just hundreds of precious souls coming to Christ nightly, God confirming His Word with signs following, God has kept us over the years. 

Please continue to pray for us.

God bless you and yours.

Tony & Marge Abram

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