Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Volume 56 #1

We want to begin this report, being the first one of 2019, by saying that we appreciate and thank you as you take time to read it and pray for us.

We pray that God will give you the BEST AND HAPPIEST YEAR OF YOUR LIFE!

You can see from the photos that we share, helping with church buildings in Punjab and Delhi India area. Though we have kept records of the number of buildings we have purchased or helped purchase in the former USSR reaching a total of 190.

However, we have not kept count over the years, how many church buildings we have helped build or purchase in India, Africa, Latin America and the rest of the world. We know God keeps the records. We just want to be faithful.

Tony Abram preaching in 100 plus degrees temperature in the Punjab, India.

We had crowds of 10,000 in crusades!

Two of the buildings we have helped build in the Punjab, India

Our crusade meeting in Lahore, Pakistan.

A pastor in one of churches teaching the Word of God,
no chairs are necessary. They sit on the ground

Some of the buildings, we have just put on roofing as they had put the walls up themselves.

One building needed $1500 to roof in the walls. They are already meeting with about 150 people. The roofs should be on by the time you receive this. These are four projects we have helped complete.

There are four others buildings in the Haryana and Punjab states we would like to help as the Lord provides.

As you know, we are supporting the feeding of lepers, orphans and and workers. Please pray for all of the needs to be provided. We have worked much in the past with Missionary Evangelist Harley Fiddler and others.

We have been increasing our outreach in India by supporting orphans, lepers and workers .

We have repeated by saying this many, many times that we believe that the more people that pray for us, the greater the Harvest of Souls.

If you have followed our ministry over the years, you will note that we never ask for funds, we ask always for prayer. Yes, we have shared the projects and costs of those projects but we do not ask for money for them.

We feel if God tells a ministry to do something, then God will provide. We believe that when we ask people to pray, it gives God an opportunity to speak to people to do something.

When we obey the Lord, the windows of blessings open.

Photo above is Pastor, wife and baby of one of
the new church buildings we have helped build.

Another photo of church building view at street level being built, we have helped in Punjab of India.

Because of the narrow but long lot, the church we helped build in Punjab, India is quite unique.

The first photo on the left shows the congregation from the front looking back and the right photo is from the back looking toward the front.

They are so happy to have their own building to worship in and to carry on the ministry of soul winning to their neighborhood.

Of course, if a project is not in the Will of God then I do not believe God will move upon a heart to give toward it. Gifts to the ministry are blessed when they are given by folks led by the Spirit.

Romans 8:14 (KJV) For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

Our ministry in the past in India and Punjab, India and Pakistan have always been blessed of God with great crowds and many coming to Christ with God confirming His Word with signs following.

The miracle ministry of Jesus Christ is still God’s Indispensable Method of World Evangelism.

Do pray that in 2019 we may have the right doors open and the Holy Sprit anointing to win souls to Christ.

Please pray for India and the fields of world evangelism. It is near and dear to the heart of our God. Pray for us and we are praying for you and yours.

God bless you.

Tony & Marge Abram

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