Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Volume 56 #10



Missionary Evangelist Marge Abram has gone with her husband Tony Abram for almost 57 years to over 125 countries taking the saving and healing message of the Gospel. I know this to be true as I am Tony Abram.

"I do congratulate you, Marjorie Abram, for your 80th birthday of which 72 years of serving our Lord Jesus Christ since you received him in the 1948 Latter Rain revival that started in Canada and swept North America. More so, I thank our Father in Heaven for your life and ministry, that He gave you to be my helpmate and fellow worker in the Vineyard of God, in this ministry of World Evangelism. I am sure that this testimony and photos from your teenage to present. will be a blessing to all. I could, if had room, show pictures from over 125 countries of you singing, teaching, preaching, leading souls to Christ and praying for the sick.”

Marge now begins. “In 1948 a revival swept through Northern Alberta deeply affecting our Slavic churches and many others as well. I was eight years old at this time when a visiting evangelist came to our church.

As the evangelist ministered, he asked for those who wanted to invite Jesus into their hearts. I felt a tug on my heart and wondered, "Would Jesus really come into my heart?"

Shyly, I raised my hand and went forward in the altar call. That night, while we were praying, my friends had visions. One had a vision of Jesus!

Praise the Lord! That night Jesus came into my heart. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus had come into my life and washed my sins away! Oh, the joy and peace that flooded my heart!

The next day at school, I shared the Lord with my classmates. I obtained a Bible. God planted a hunger in my heart to one day attend a Bible School and study His Word. I have shared this testimony around the world before singing the song, 'Had it not been for Jesus, then my soul would be lost.' I have prayed for and led many to the Lord myself.

My pastor had confidence in me as a seventeen year old, asking me to become Secretary-treasurer for the church. This experience was to prove invaluable in the years to come. God's Hand was on my life and I felt the need for further study of the Word.

When the Dean of British Columbia Bible Institute came to our town, I prayed, "Lord, if it is your will for me to study at this college, let the Dean approach me with an enrolment application." This he did and the following year I enrolled there. While at Bible College, we were required to make a church in the area our home church.

The Ukrainian church there became my home church. This experience was also invaluable as my husband and I would minister in the former Soviet Union during communism and after the fall, planting almost a hundred churches ourselves. Praise God!

While at Bible College I was also praying, asking God for His direction in my life. I had chosen Matthew 6:33 as my favorite scripture…"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

If you are earnestly desiring God's perfect will for your life, God will give you the very best.

It was during this time that my future husband, Tony Abram, an Associate Evangelist with the T. L. Osborn ministry came to Vancouver to precede his crusade there. I was assistant youth leader at this time.

Tony was invited to our church to share his testimony and preach there. He visited many churches in the area, asking for their co-operation in the crusade, staying with friends at the church.

Two months later we traveled back to Williams Lake for my parents and Tony to meet. Tony and I had planned to meet in England and be married there. However, my parents wanted me to be married at home.

The following week on a Tuesday evening, November 20th, 1962, we were married in a candlelight ceremony. All my family, the church family and many friends were there.

However, Tony's family could not be there as they were 3,500 miles away in Pennsylvania. I have been so blessed as I, with my husband, have seen Nation-wide revivals. .

We have seen thousands testify of healings but best of all seeing thousands come to Christ in a single crusade. What a privilege it has been to share the wonderful Good News of the gospel! I can truly say that my eyes and ears have been blessed to see and hear the wonderful works of God!

Matt. 13:16-17 "But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear. For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them".

We want you to know that without your prayers and faithful support, we would not have been able to take the Gospel to the Nations.

We want to continue to win the lost and share the Gospel until He calls us home and our desire, is to one day hear Him say, “Well done good and faithful servants.”

God bless you and yours is our daily prayer. The photos and report are only a drop in a bucket of what God has done for both of us.

We have been on the front lines of world evangelism but it has been God’s people who have been the supply lines keeping us there, God using you to meet the needs of this soul winning ministry.

God bless you and yours is our daily prayer.

Your missionary Evangelists Tony and Marge Abram

Tony & Marge Abram

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