Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Central Africa, India and Sri Lanka Outreaches
to the Nations: Good News Ministry Report!
Volume 61 #5

It is with joy, in this month’s Good News report that we share a few of the outreaches of our ministry of Abundant Life Crusades.

We do praise and give God the Glory for all He has led and helped us do in His Name and for His Glory.

We now have outreaches in every continent, except Australia, and even there, we trust we are reaching many, at least with our online ministry, Our emphasis this month is on Sri Lanka, India and Central Africa. This is only a part of the outreaches of Abundant Life Crusades.

Remember, you have a part in this harvest. We trust, during the next few months, to share outreaches to other countries.

This will include Bible Schools, national workers, planting new churches, food for the hungry, orphanages, printing gospel literature, etc. and helping acquire buildings for churches, bicycles and ministry to all nations via Zoom and other platforms.

It is wonderful that we have the opportunity to preach the wonderful Word of God to the Nations.

Yet, we could not do this if God did not give us faith partners like you.

Here are a few photos which will follow on page two (below).

They say that a photo is worth a thousand words.

Left is a crusade held by one of our national preachers we support in Uganda, Africa.

Next photo: getting ready to feed children.

They will say grace and then eat.
Hungry children in India, waiting for food.

Photos of bikes for workers

Bags of food for their villages

We think of the words of Jesus in Matthew 25:40 KJV: Verily I say unto you,
Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto Me.


Our ministry, with the help of God’s people, has been able to supply hundreds of bikes for National Workers so they can travel and reach more villages with the Gospel.

To many of them, a bike is like us being given a car. You would be surprised to see how much they can carry on a bike with them.

Although we are helping feed adults, most of our help for feeding the poor is for the children. We have seen this work result in soul winning which has helped workers plant new churches, especially in the villages.

Most small villages are overlooked but we remember Jesus said to go into all the world to spread the Good News of Salvation.

It is wonderful to see Native Pastors and Evangelists on their bikes with a big bag of food or corn meal. Even though the people may come first for food, they hear the wonderful message of God’s love and Christian love that brings the Good News of Salvation to them.

We would ask you to please pray for these. Matthew 19:14 KJV Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Photos begin with a church plant and church building we helped build.

a growing church plant in Sri Lanka

A church plant in Africa,

a class room serves also as a dining room

A line up, waiting for food

 A child looks at the huge pot of corm mash they will soon be eating

Another orphanage in Africa we support.

Starting to feed hungry, now happy children.

Marge and I are praying for you also. God Bless you and yours is our daily prayer.
3 John 2
Your fellow workers in God’s Vineyard of the World,
Tony and Marge Abram 

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